COVID-19 Update
COVID-19 Update
Reich&Petch (R&P), wishes to share an update with our professional community of clients, consultants, colleagues and friends. In the face of the quickly escalating risk presented by the COVID-19 virus R&P is taking a proactive and protective position:
Through discussions with our team of staff, associates and principals, R&P is actively moving towards a hybrid work environment structure. Our actions and our operational plan reflect the guidance of Public Health advisories, as this situation evolves.
We will be combining a reduced in-office personnel with remote-office to maintain pre-COVID-19 functionality. We are re-structuring our team’s work locales to help reduce health risk by reducing exposure to mass transit and travel and specifically increasing our usage of remote work / meeting technologies. We feel this will allow us to remain highly functional while reducing risk and exposure for our clients, consultants and our valued staff.
R&P remains fully committed to, and engaged in, all of our projects and our communications. Our goal is to provide uninterrupted service to our clients and our projects, as we protect the wellness of our clients, consultants and our staff. R&P is acting to support the global efforts to try to fight the spread of the virus. With the recent, rapid spread of the virus we were eager to provide you with an update regarding our responsive actions.
We live in an amazing and connected world and our goal is to respond proactively to the challenges and opportunities that evolve day by day. We look forward to working with you!